Latest from Backcountry Nomad

Thru-Hike: One step at a time into the world of long distance hiking

An Introduction to Thru-Hiking in the Bay Area

Photo by Brice Pollock under CC

I completed my first thru-hike on the Ohlone Wilderness Trail by accident. I was simply looking for a short, strenuous backpacking trip to train for a slightly longer, slightly more strenuous backpacking expedition through Yosemite. However, with each prideful completion of a thru-hike I only grow bolder.


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5 Essential Skills for Winter Backpacking

Trail to Brokeoff Mountain.

This Thanksgiving instead of sitting at a warm table filling my stomach with turkey I decided to go on a solo winter backpacking trip in Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California. I spent all but 24 hours of my five day, 65 mile trip either hiking through or sleeping on 6″ to 24″ of snow. Combined with my 20 years experience with snow and ice in Minneswota I’ve compiled a list of five essential skills for the winter backpacking experience.


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